JellyFish Lighting
Brand Guidelines
Updated 1/18/2024
JellyFish Lighting is the premier outdoor lighting company dedicated to making life brighter.
We design products that illuminate the spaces and moments that hold significant meaning in people's lives.
We build with the intent of creating long-lasting, intuitive, and innovative lighting solutions.
These solutions, in turn, transform ordinary spaces into welcoming and aesthetically pleasing environments—ideal settings for the unfolding of life's most cherished and defining moments.
Primary logo
Consistent logo usage across all materials is paramount for both brand recognition and visual harmony. This section outlines recommended practices for employing the JellyFish Lighting logo.
Preferred color palette: When possible, use the brandmark in full color, featuring the left tentacle in red, the middle tentacle in blue, and the right tentacle in green. These specific colors should not be altered for any application except app icons.
Contrast considerations: When the logo appears on a background with low contrast, use white or black versions of the brandmark.
Wordmark color: Always render the wordmark text in either white or black, depending on the necessary contrast against the background.
Logo lockup
The primary configuration of the logo showcases the JellyFish brandmark positioned to the left, followed by the wordmark to the right. The letter "E" in the wordmark serves two purposes:
Spacing: It establishes the optimal distance between the brandmark and wordmark.
Clearance: It defines the appropriate amount of space needed around the entire logo.
Modification: The brandmark and wordmark must never be flipped, rotated, or stretched in any way.
Integrity: The second line of the wordmark ("Lighting") must always be present and unaltered.
The JellyFish Lighting brandmark depicts a jellyfish with illuminated bulbs adorning its tentacles. This distinctive symbol represents the company's focus on innovative and aesthetically pleasing lighting solutions.
The brandmark should be used in conjunction with the JellyFish Lighting wordmark whenever feasible. This combined presentation reinforces brand recognition and clarity.
Where to use of the brandmark alone:
App icons: For mobile app icons, where space constraints often necessitate a concise representation, the brandmark may be employed independently.
Social media icons: Similarly, on social media platforms where profile picture dimensions demand a simplified visual, the brandmark can stand alone.
Navigation elements: When used for website or application navigation elements, the brandmark may function effectively without the accompanying wordmark.
Hardware & merchandise: On branded merchandise or apparel, such as hardware, t-shirts, and hats, the brandmark can be effectively used on its own to create a more subtle brand impression.
Alternative logo (for vertical use)
This vertical logo should be rarely used. There are some layouts where the horizontal space is too constrained, and the primary logo simply does not work. In that case, use the following logo.
Authorized Dealer seal
The Authorized Dealer seal is intended for use by authorized dealers on marketing or store materials. We offer two seals. One that works well at small sizes for web presence, patches, and stickers. The other works well for displays like signage.
The seal should always be white or black.
Brand name
Follow these rules for referring to the JellyFish Lighting brand name in regular body text.
Capitalize the J and F.
JellyFish Lighting is the premier outdoor lighting company dedicated to making life brighter.
Don't lowercase the brand name.
jellyfish lighting is the premier outdoor lighting company dedicated to making life brighter.
Don't uppercase the brand name.
JELLYFISH LIGHTING is the premier outdoor lighting company dedicated to making life brighter.
Don't forget to capitalize the F in JellyFish.
Jellyfish Lighting is the premier outdoor lighting company dedicated to making life brighter.
Logo do-nots
The following examples show how to misuse the logo. These scenarios are unacceptable.
Don't change the colors.
Don't move or change the size of elements.
Don't flip the brandmark.
Don't rotate.
Don't stretch.
Don't use only the wordmark.
Don't add effects.
Don't outline.
Don't drop the second word in the wordmark.
Don't change the second word in the wordmark.
Don't add elements.
Permanent outdoor lighting
Don't add text inside the safe zone (the other grey box).
Don't use the color brandmark on a low-contrast background.
If you have to squint to make out the logo's shape, it's low contrast.
Don't add shapes.
Don't change the font of the logo.
Color palette
0, 0, 0
35, 0, 0, 100
255, 255, 255
0, 0, 0, 0
223, 71, 61
0, 68, 73, 13
53, 87, 209
75, 58, 0, 18
0, 188, 75
100, 0, 60, 26
Heading typeface
Space Grotesk is a proportional sans-serif typeface.
It's based on Colophon Foundry's fixed-width Space Mono family (2016).
It's based on Colophon Foundry's fixed-width Space Mono family (2016).
Space Grotesk
Space Grotesk should be used for display-sized text (18px and above).
Body typeface
Mona Sans is a strong and versatile typeface, designed with Degarism and inspired by industrial-era grotesques. Mona Sans works well across product, web, and print.
Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et.
Mona Sans
Mona Sans should be used for body-sized text (18px and below).